Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hi ,

Over 57,000 people, including myself, have asked the Prime Minister to stop the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill. The bill will create a body which will ease the approval of genetically modified (GM) crops in the country.

It&rsquos;s time to make our demand strong and persuade the PM to protect our food.
You should forward the mail below to your friends and family because it will help make the World̢۪s Biggest GM free Baingan Bharta and STOP the BRAI Bill.



kapil protesting against the BRAI bill while being detained
Protest peacefully and they arrest you. Last week, I was arrested for protesting against the government’s plan to table the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill.[1] Fortunately the bill was not tabled.

BRAI will become an autocratic body, allowing genetically modified (GM) crops into our country. We will never know what we’ll eat because we can’t even question this body under the Right to Information act!

Our food is safe for now, but the bill can come back anytime. Over 57,000 people have joined to effort to make the World’s Biggest GM Free Baingan Bharta as a creative way to show opposition to the bill. One lakh signatures on the petition asking the Prime Minister to stop the BRAI bill will show him the strength of feeling on this issue.

First watch me and other activists protest outside Parliament, then ask Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to stop the BRAI bill because it is not transparent and a threat to our food:


The BRAI will be an autocratic body which will introduce potentially toxic food on our plates. The entire country witnessed how the peaceful protests against corruption have made the government relent at different points in time.[2] We need to get together to stop this dangerous bill.

Arresting those who raise their voice against faulty government measures is becoming a habit with our government. It would be no surprise if bills and issues which the government tries to suppress have some secretive agenda behind them.

This time it is our food and we have to ensure its safety. More signatures mean more pressure on the government. Add your signature to the petition now!


Thanks a billion!

Photo of Kapil Mishra
Kapil Mishra
Sustainable Agriculture Campaigner
Greenpeace India

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  1. Activists oppose BRAI Bill, The Hindu, August 17, 2011,
  2. India unites: Protests, fasts across nation in support of Anna Hazare and Lokpal Bill, Times of India, August 16, 2011

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